Cover more spend.
Bring your sourcing strategies and discipline
to more capital investments.

To have more influence over more money, make the Capex connection.
Think about it: everything procurement does to guide and manage suppliers, negotiate contracts, and make strategic acquisitions is relevant to capital planning.Yet in most organizations, the office of the CPO is not as involved in Capex as it could be. Why ? Most likely because leading procurement systems were architected for direct spend yet the capital planning lifecycle includes steps and processes that go well beyond it. Connect Finario’s marketing-leading capital planning platform with your procurement system and your visibility into Capex, and ability to make an impact, will skyrocket.

Better data = better sourcing and better controls.
Integrating business spend management with capital planning makes it easier to bring the expertise of procurement to a higher percentage of capital spend, while also streamlining the Capex budgeting and approval process. Result: optimized capital investment decisions, sound compliance, and performance improvements.

When teams collaborate, great things happen
The days of the siloed organization should be over. Business is simply too complex and moving too fast to have your data “walled in,” thus limiting its reach and impact. With its open API, specialized connectors and robust support, Finario gives organizations the ability to create a truly synchronized and powerful single source of truth serving every team within the CFO’s office and beyond.