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New eBook: "Leading Voices on
Strategic Capital Allocation"

What’s the number one responsibility of the C-suite?

Returning capital to shareholders? Hiring top talent?

According to experts, it’s strategic capital allocation. Ample research shows that companies that do it well consistently outperform their peers over time.

We wouldn’t expect you to take our word for it — that’s why we’ve collected leading voices on the topic, demonstrating why it’s such a vital responsibility for senior management and how to do it well.

Key insights include:

  • How to become a “capital activist” by dynamically allocating, and re-allocating, capital
  • The importance of redirecting capital into promising opportunities with greater growth prospects, rather than granting each department a “fair share”
  • Prioritizing sustainable growth over immediate pressures from Wall Street

Learn what experts across the leadership spectrum have to say about the role of strategic capital allocation in the large enterprise.